Staples - Carton Closing |
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1. A Crown Carton Closing Staples |
(1-3/8”, 35 mm Crown width) For use in all Markwell MTC2, ABC and BBC carton closers with A crowns. Also for all other similar branded carton closing tools.
2. C Crown Carton Closing Staples |
(1-1/4”, 32 mm Crown width) For use in all Markwell MTC2, ABC and BBC carton closers with C crowns. Also for all other similar branded carton closing tools.
3. SW Wide Crown Staples |
SW 7437, SWC7437 and SW9040 wide crown staples for use in the appropriate
Markwell and Bostitch carton closing tools.
4. GR and RR Series Coil Carton Closing Staples |
GR and RR series 1M and 4M coil carton closing staples for Markwell RAB, ISM RA and Carton Closing RC roll staple tools.