With the same features and regular applications of the L3 tacker, this specially modified tacker is also used for cable or wire tacking, of wires with diameters up to 3/8" without the need for special staples.
Uses the full range of regular Markwell L3 series staples from 1/4" to 9/16".
When not being used as a wire or cable tacker, it functions as a normal L3 tacker.
- Front Load: Fast, easy staple loading.
- Snug Tacking: Gets into hard-to-reach corners and tight spots.
- Staples easily interchanged in the same machine for more uses than ever.
- Flush and Accurate Tacking: Maximum penetration with every size staple…every time.
- Special staples not needed for cable tacking - staple forms naturally around different wire sizes for versatile use.
- Hundreds of productive cable tacking uses in industry, business, and home:
- Low voltage wire.
- Speaker and intercom wire.
- Doorbell & security alarms.
- Telephone wire.
- TV cable wire.
- Other stranded and solid wire applications.
- Use as regular tacker.

USES full range of Markwell
L3 Series heavy wire staples, 0.050: x 0.020”, (1.27 x .5 mm) available in
galvanized steel.